Happy, Healthy Heart Month

Since February is American Heart Month and includes Valentines Day I am calling it Happy, Healthy Heart Month!

Did you know that high blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and being sedentary are risks factors for heart disease? Good thing hypnosis can help with most of the health risks on the list.  By learning self-hypnosis you can help decrease your stress and be calm, visualize your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar at the right levels. Hypnosis can help you change habits like eating and smoking. So think hypnosis for a healthy heart!

If you want to learn about new foods, recipes and how hypnosis can help you create better eating habits to lose weight for a healthy heart, then come to the Feb. 28 workshop on Hypnosis and Healthy Eating. Learn healthy eating tips and recipes from Chef Todd H. Daignault. I will teach you self-hypnosis and how to create positive affirmations to start healthy eating habits.

Now what about in the area of love, can hypnosis help out with relationships? Yes it can. Hypnosis can help you clear blocks from old relationships so you can move forward in a new relationship. So here is a Valentine’s Day tip for anyone whether you are in a relationship or not.

See yourself start Valentines Day and every day filling your heart up with love. If you start your day with a heart full of love then the little things roll off and the day is easy. Having your heart full of love will impact how you handle situations, talk to people and you will be amazed that it can even come back to you. Because people feel it when we do things for them with a heart full of love.

I wish everyone a healthy heart full of love and joy for February and every day! I invite you to book a hypnosis session with me to help you learn how to fill your heart with love.


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